(1657 - 10 November 1730) was an Italian painter, mostly of religious subjects, and those from history and mythology.
Born in Venice, he initially trained with the Genovese painter Francesco Rosa, Girolamo Forabosco, and with the studio of Pietro della Vecchia. He joined the painters' guild in Venice in 1687. Related Paintings of Gregorio Lazzarini :. | Jael and Sisera | Jael and Sisera | Orpheus and the Bacchantes | Merit Offers the Command to Doge Morosini | Jael and Sisera | Related Artists:
Matevz LangusMatevž Langus, slovenski slikar in freskant, * 9. september 1792, Kamna Gorica pri Kropi, † 19. julij 1855, Ljubljana.
Rodil se je v fužinarskem kraju pod Jelovico v kovaški družini. Sprva je delal kot žebljar v domači vasi, nato pa se je šolal v Celovcu v delavnici Johanna Schreibersa, pri katerem je ostal šest let. Leta 1817 se je vrnil na Kranjsko in se naselil v Ljubljani. Kasneje bil po priporočilu profesorja Kavčiča sprejet na dunajsko akademijo, vendar je zaradi gmotnih težav opravil le dva letnika študija. Leta 1821 se je ponovno naselil v Ljubljani kot poklicni slikar. V letih 1824 do 1826 je živel v Rimu, kjer je bil vpisan na rimsko Francosko akademijo (L'Academie de France).
Hans HolbeinGerman
Hans Holbein Galleries
Holbein always made highly detailed pencil drawings of his portrait subjects, often supplemented with ink and colored chalk. The drawings emphasize facial detail and usually did not include the hands; clothing was only indicated schematically. The outlines of these drawings were then transferred onto the support for the final painting using tiny holes in the paper through which powdered charcoal was transmitted; in later years Holbein used a kind of carbon paper. The final paintings thus had the same scale as the original drawings. Although the drawings were made as studies for paintings, they stand on their own as independent, finely wrought works of art. How many portraits have been lost can be seen from Holbein's book (nearly all pages in the Royal Collection) containing preparatory drawings for portraits - of eighty-five drawings, only a handful have surviving Holbein paintings, though often copies have survived.
David Hockney has speculated in the Hockney-Falco thesis that Holbein used a concave mirror to project an image of the subject onto the drawing surface. The image was then traced. However this thesis has not met with general acceptance from art historians.
A subtle ability to render character may be noted in Holbein's work, as can be seen in his portraits of Thomas Cromwell, Desiderius Erasmus, and Henry VIII. The end results are convincing as definitive images of the subjects' appearance and personality.
Theodore Caruelle D AlignyChaumes(Nievre) 1798 -Lyons 1871